Philadelphia's #1 Metal Roofing Company

Philadelphia's #1 Metal Roofing Company
Call 888-973-0169 for a Free Estimate
When considering a material for your next roof, durability, longevity, and customization flexibility are some of the primary considerations you want to take into account. This is why metal roofs are the number one choice among homeowners, especially when matched against a Slate Roof. Famous for demonstrating superior performance, metal roofs outshine slate roofs in beauty, energy efficiency, and virtually every area that matters. They are immune to dramatic thermal fluctuation, and extremely sustainable.
Made of natural stones, known for their tough and intrinsic features, generic Slate Roofs you see on your neighbor’s home may not be the most durable choice on the market. While there’s no dispute that slate roofs are stronger than shakes and shingles, the robustness of metal roofs will outperform slate roofs any day, any time.
Unlike slate roofs, which can break, crack, and chip easily when you walk on them, homeowners with metal roofs can take a stroll on their roof without a worry in the world. Metal roofs are impervious to mildew, mold, rust, termites, and other roofing plagues. Known to withstand winds that travel up to 140 mph, the metal roof you purchased today will remain strong and true for many years down the road.
As a malleable material that can be easily bent and shaped into various sizes and forms, metal is a remarkable material choice for curved roofing style, low-sloping roofs, and historic homes. It is extremely versatile and can be flexibly customized to emulate any color, style, and texture of your dream. In addition to offering a plethora of options to satisfy all architectural styles and designs, metal roofs are much more affordable than slate roofs. According to Angie’s List, while a metal roof costs about $350 to $1,500 per 100 square feet, a slate roof generally costs five times more. This means that homeowners investing in a slate roof will be expected to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 per square foot installed — and do so without receiving any of the benefits a metal roof has to offer.
Whereas generic slate roofs are heavy and require extra support to sustain the roofing system, metal roofs are lightweight and extremely easy to install. Made of at least 25% to 30% of recycled content (and sometimes more), metal roofs can live up to 100 years old with minimal upkeep on your part. Metal roofs are eco-friendly and 100% recyclable, so you will never find an unused piece of metal in the landfill. Best of all, metal roofs are energy efficient. They will not only keep your roofing surface 100 degrees cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter than a typical roof, but also reduce your energy bills by as much as 40% during the dog days of summer.
Our metal roofs can be styled to imitate the look of asphalt shingles, shakes, and slates. Call our team of metal roofing experts at 888-973-0169 today! We will have your home covered with a durable, efficient, and beautiful metal roof in the nick of time.
Call Us at 888-973-0169 or request a quote